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  • +1-904-370-3675
  • Monday - Thursday 10am - 5pm EST (Only virtual appts.)

Transforming Osarai Primary School: An Initiative of Love

In February, a transformative event unfolded at Osarai Primary School, located in the heart of Kajiado North, Mashuru, Kenya. This school, surrounded by the harsh and arid terrain of Maasai country, had long been in dire need of essential resources. The challenges faced by the students were daunting; many walked barefoot across thorn-filled landscapes, enduring scorching days, often times, not having eaten a meal, all in pursuit of education. Their resilience was remarkable, yet the lack of basic necessities cast a shadow over their bright spirits.

Recognizing the urgent need for support, we had the immense pleasure of sponsoring an event, in partnership with the Laughter of Hope organization, aimed at alleviating some of these challenges and hardships. As we arrived at the school grounds, the atmosphere was electrifying. The headmistress, students, and their families gathered, their faces radiating joy and anticipation. Parents, many of whom had journeyed for miles through the unforgiving landscape, arrived with smiles filled with hope. Their determination and hope to provide a better future for their children had just been given a ray of hope.

The event was more than just a distribution of resources; it was a celebration of hope. As we handed out food, shoes, school supplies, and clothing, we witnessed the transformation of despair into joy. The children, who had once walked to school with bare feet, now received shoes. The sight of their smiles mixed with laughter, filled our hearts with gratitude and a small sense of accomplishment and purpose. It was a moment that reminded us of the power of what we do together, the lives that we touch, and the reason why our motto is more than mere words.  “Extending Love and Hope Across the Borders” is what we believe.

This initiative was not just about addressing immediate needs; it was about igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of these families. The relief we saw in their eyes as they received essential supplies was a testament to the profound difference that compassion can make. Our commitment to Osarai Primary School extends far beyond this event. We are dedicated to exploring sustainable solutions that will ensure the school continues to thrive, providing the children with the education they deserve. Our immediate promise to the children, families and school headmistress was, “we’ll see you in two months!”. And with that, an immediate response of singing and jubilation arose!

The long, hot, and tiring drive across the arid terrain of Kajiado to reach the children at Osarai School was well worth it; as the sun set on our return to Nairobi, we at GDP, alongside our supporters, and the supports from Vision Church in Jacksonville, Florida, felt a profound sense of fulfillment knowing we had made a difference that changed lives. At GDP, we believe that with your support, we can create lasting change for children and their families, becoming part of a larger movement fueled by hope and resilience that impacts the lives of men, women, and children every day. Thank you for making a difference once again.

As we reflect on this incredible journey, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported the efforts at GDP. Your support has not just provided resources; it has instilled love and hope to a people who never thought it possible, to hope again.

We invite you to stay connected with us and follow our initiatives on Instagram @gdp_kenya and our website www.gdpkenya.org.

Osarai Primary School - A Day of Love and Hope

Food Programs

Helping Those Who Need Us Most

We partner directly with two registered children’s homes in Nairobi, Kenya. These Kenya children’s homes initiatives care for children in the age range of 14 months to 13 years. Most children are either total or partial orphans brought to the Children’s Center by relatives, friends, government officials, police officers, and social workers. The responsibility of care continues to grow as more and more kids are brought to these Kenya orphanage support programs. But the love for these children is so overwhelming that we’re compelled to do everything we can to help these wonderful and precious caretakers provide the children with the basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, medical support, and spiritual guidance.

Our vision goes hand in hand with the Kenya child welfare projects of providing a place where they feel welcomed, loved, and protected. Our goal at GDP Kenya is to help be that bridge for the kids, enabling them to live healthy and satisfying lives like any other children they see. Please, help us be that means of hope and support!

Kenya child welfare projects
Supporting Education in Kenya

Education Programs

Supporting Education in Kenya

Our education program offers a much-desired platform for people who deserve it most. Not only do we support and help provide a means to create a good and permanent shelter and stable surroundings for the children in these children’s homes that we’ve partnered with, but we’re also playing a vital part in helping to provide supplies and funding to help create a much-needed system of education. Through our Kenya child support services, they will have the opportunity to excel in life!

Each year, we take teams into the children’s homes to paint, make repairs, interact, and just be one of the kids! We supply new computers and laptops each year to the school and donate the funding to pay for the costs of the internet. Just recently, we updated the classrooms and teachers with all-new computers. In 2023/24, the plan is to add more computers and phase out the old units. These efforts are part of our broader Kenya child welfare projects and child support programs in Kenya, which aim to provide the necessary tools and resources for a brighter future.