• 6999 Merrill Rd, Ste 2, Box 215 Jacksonville, FL 32277
  • +1-904-370-3675
  • Monday - Thursday 10am - 5pm EST (Only virtual appts.)
March Special Edition

March Special Edition

March Special Edition – Global Development Project – Special Edition…
Hope is Needed…”Project of Hope” is the Answer!

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Embracing Resilience

Embracing Resilience

Embracing Resilience: A Glimpse into Life in the Slums of Nairobi

The slums of Nairobi, Kenya are home to over 2.5 million people

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Sukuma Wiki

Sukuma Wiki

Kachumbari Ingredients 5 tomatoes, chopped or diced 2 small onions, very thinly sliced or […]

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Congo Squares

Congo Squares

Congolese recipes offer a delicious blend of flavors from dishes like Mpondu and Nyembwe […]

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